♥ Homework Assignments♥

Week Two Feb.8.2017

My Bio

Super Team Deluxe

As a huge fan on enamel pins, I find the design of this website very pleasing. The color scheme is calm and clean. The interaction when you click a previewed item is designed nicely. Super Team Deluxe’s website is very simple making the interaction on this website very easygoing.

Seiko Angelo

I really enjoyed this site because of the way its interaction is set up. I like how when you hover over links the eyeball on the face moves. The Website is a portfolio of their work. split into two sides. one side of their consumer ad work, and another of their work in healthcare ads. The design is simple making it easy on the eye. But my only issue with the design is that the site is all under one URL, making going back a little confusing. I think it is an important thing in a site to be able to feel comfortable navigating through a site. if the entire page and its contents it open are running on one page link it can be a little confusing.